Flag Definitions |
Code | Translation |
2016(b) | Attorney Fee Disclosure Due |
2016-2(a) | Attorney Fee Disclosure Statement Due |
707(b) | Presumption of Abuse under 707 |
727OBJ | Objection to the Discharge of the Debtor |
ADDCHG | Change of Address |
ARCHIVE | Archive Information Included On the Docket |
Bulky | Non-Electronic Document |
CLAIMS | Claims have been docketed to this case |
CLOSED | Case Closed |
CMPLX11 | Complex Ch 11 |
CONS | Consolidated Case |
CONVERTED | Case Converted |
ClosedW/ODischarge | Case Closed Without Entry of a Discharge |
CounDue | Certification for Credit Counseling Due |
CounDueJT | Certification for Credit Counseling Due Jointly |
DEFER | Fee Deferred |
DISCH DENIED | Discharge Denied |
DISCHARGED | Case Discharged |
DISMISSED | Case Dismissed |
DeBN | DeBN Activated |
DeBNDeactivated | DeBN Deactivated |
DirApl | Direct Appeal to Circuit Court |
DischargeDenied | Discharge Denied |
DischargeNA | Discharge Not Applicable |
DischargeRevoked | Discharge Revoked |
DischargeW/HNoDebtEd | Discharge Withheld for Failure to Submit Cert of Instructional Course for Personal Financial Mgmt |
DischargeW/HNoDomSup | Discharge Withheld for Failure to Comply with Domestic Support Obligation |
DischargeW/HforOTHER | Discharge Withheld for Other Reasons |
DischargeWaived | Discharge Waived |
DismissFailMakePayments | Dismissed for Failure to Make Payments |
DismissFailuretoFileInfo | Dismissed for Failure to File Information |
DismissedforABUSE | Dismissed for Abuse |
DismissedforOTHER | Dismissed for Other Reason |
DsclsDue | Disclosure Statement Due |
E-NOTICE | Electronic Noticing Activated |
E-NOTICE/DEACTIVATED | E-Noticing Request Deactivated |
EXEMPT | Fee Exempt |
FUNDS | Funds Deposited in Court Registry |
FederalExemption | Federal Exemption |
FeeDueINST | Installment Payment Due |
HardshipDischarge | Hardship Discharge |
HdShp | Undue Hardship |
HomesteadEx/FelConvict | Homestead Exemption/Felony Conviction |
IFP | In forma pauperis fee Waived |
INTP | Interpleader |
INTRA | Intra-Distict Transfer |
IneligClose | Do not redisplay case ineligible for auto close |
IneligDisch | Do not redisplay case ineligible for auto discharge |
JNTADMN | Jointly Administered |
LEAD | Lead Case |
MEANSTMPEX | Temporary exclusion from means test for reservists and national guard |
NOMTX | Mailing Matrix Missing |
NOSSN | Social Security Number Missing |
NTCAPR | Notice of Appearance |
NoAutoDisch | Do not allow Auto Discharge for this case |
NoID | No Debtor Photo ID Presented |
OBJ1515 | Objection to Recognition of Foreign Proceeding Section 1515 |
OBJ1519 | Objection to Provisional Relief Section 1519 |
OBJ1521/1507 | Objection to Post-Recognition Relief Section 1521/1507 |
OBJDISCH | Rule 4004 |
ORD1515 | Order on Recognition of Foreign Proceeding Section 1515 |
ORD1519 | Order on Motion for Provisional Relief Section 1519 |
ORD1521/1507 | Order on Motion for Post-Recognition Relief Section 1521/1507 |
PRVDISH | Previous Discharge |
PRVDISM | Previously Dismissed |
PlnDue | Plan Due |
PriorBar | Debtor Barred In Prior Case |
ProSeESR | Opened from an eSR package |
REAF | Reaffirmation Agreement Filed |
RECUSED | Recused |
REOPENED | Reopened Case |
ReafHD | Reaffirmation Hardship |
Repeat | Repeat Filing |
Repeat-dcb | prior BK filing within this court |
RepeatFiler | prior BK filing within this court |
RepeatPACER | prior BK filing identified by Pacer Case Locator |
ReqSepNtc | Debtor's Request for Separate Notice |
SEALDOC | Sealed Documents Filed |
SEALED CASE | Entire Case Sealed |
SETHRG-1 | Hearing Needs to be Set by Clerk's Office |
SETHRG-2 | Hearing Needs to be Set by Clerk's Office |
SETHRG-3 | Hearing Needs to be Set by Clerk's Office |
SPLITCASE | Joint Case Severed |
SkipPriorRelCase | Skip AJT assignment because the case has a prior or related case |
SmBus | Small Business |
StandardDischarge | Standard Discharge |
StateExemption | State Exemption |
Subchapter_V | Chapter 11, Subchapter V |
TRANSIN | Case Transferred into the District |
TRANSOUT | Case Transferred Out of District |
WTRSVREND | Withdrawal of Trustee Services Rendered |
WithXMLData | A code to track cases opened with XML data |
eSR | Opened from an eSR package |